Cycles and Rhythms

Cycles and Rhythms

Ancient cultures, east and west, have studies and embrace the flow of the cycles and rhythms of time, climate, our bodies, chakras, even consciousness!  We are so blessed to live in an era (the Mayan Civilization of Central America called this the Golden Era of Inner Transformation) that we are aware of the richness of wisdom available in recognizing everything has a cycle and a rhythm; and that we are a living part of all creation, not separate.

As the calendrical new year is upon us, the Winter Solstice has just passed, and we can visibly observe the days getting longer, and in some areas the climate changes quite noticeably!  Our bodies have amazing internal rhythms that we don’t notice but must work well for us to exist. These visible and invisible cycles and rhythms teach us that there is a natural order and flow to all things.

In part, meditation teaches us that there is more to you and I than the mind and our thoughts.  There is a deeper aspect, fully functioning, that we can bring forth by the practice of “being in the flow.”

The new year marks our intent to begin a new cycle with resolutions and affirmations and yet there are deeper meanings or effects that are not as visible as calendrical changes. 

According to astrologers and ancient civilizations, such as the Mayans of Central America, every day has a frequency, or “energy”.  These awakened peoples knew the value of living in the flow and that we have the ability to recognize these frequencies and “nest” ourselves in their unique signature of the given day.  These frequencies were not just that of Earth, but planetary and celestial events that operate to cycles and rhythms – all affecting the nature of our character.

Also, in my opinion, the frequencies and cycles are dictated on a higher level of being, beyond the grasp of space and time that “radiate” their effect through everything material in this universe.  Ancient cultures knew, taught and practiced techniques including meditation, mindfulness, and awakened focus on the energies of the day to promote balance in mind, body and spirit. 

As we begin our “new year” cycle, please recognize that the flow is always there.  It is whether you are aware of it or not that makes the difference.  Stated earlier, we are living in an amazing age where ancient teachings and modern science are merging to offer these higher levels of conscious awareness of these natural cycles and rhythms. 

To assess how you are living in concert with all nature and “nesting” yourself in these natural frequencies: “be in the flow” so to speak, seek Integral Health (mind-body-spirit) practitioners.  They facilitate your journey, offering you tools, techniques, exercises and wisdom to help you to be in and maintain rhythm and balance to these cycles! The really cool part is that these natural rhythms already exist, your careful attention to your own inner flow makes all the difference because you are a part of all creation!


Dr. Richard Jelusich, Ph.D.


Resolutions for the New Year


The Return of the Sun