What Your Feet Say About Your Health
What Your Feet Say About Your Health
Embrace Holistic Healing: The Power of Reflexology and Acupressure Therapy
In today’s fast-paced world, where stress and imbalance have become common companions, it’s essential to reconnect with our bodies and nurture overall well-being. Reflexology and acupressure therapy offer more than just physical relief—they serve as transformative practices that bridge the gap between mind, body, and emotions. By tapping into the body's natural healing mechanisms, these therapies unlock the potential for a healthier, more harmonious life.

Spring Equinox
Spring Equinox
Where we are located here at the Bamboo Garden Wellness Center in Encinitas is right next to the boundary between Encinitas and Rancho Santa Fe where a little bridge covers the stream. And I noticed just this week the din of countless numbers of frogs emerging, singing their ritual of awakening to the coming of spring.
Because our human biology is very attuned to the cycles, rhythms and seasons of earth it is important, as our ancestors did, to honor these seasons and what they represent. That is, spring is a time of renewal, of coming forth, and of bringing forth the latent energies that have been stored up during the winter months.
This does not just apply to regions that experience a from a region that experiences a true cold winter and hot summer but to all parts of our planet.
Therefore, let us use this time wisely to give some thought as to what energy we are bringing forth, what has been stored up and what is time to renew in our lives with vigor and for us to truly thrive.
Integral health means body, mind and spirit. Take a moment and offer yourself the opportunity to fertilize all three and to bask in the coming sun of further inner illumination.

Being as Topos
Being as Topos
In my almost 35 years of energy medicine, I've observed that more than 95% of all communication is not verbal or physical but rather energy. We radiate not just the energy of our biofields but our consciousness as well. It is like a brilliant light that radiates from the center of our being ceaselessly.
“Being as Topos” is just simply a way of saying that we are the energy that we represent or the level of awareness that we have achieved. This is why so often we are attracted to men and women who have achieved a high state of spiritual awareness because they are radiating that quality 24/7.
In fact, whether we know it or not we all take a psychic relationship to each other long before the mind ever thinks a single thought. And we always bring people into our lives who represent the possibility of our own inner further growth.
So one way of raising the quality of your path is by associating and aligning yourself with those who represent that achievement or level (Being as Topos) and therefore you are affected by their state of vibration.

Shirodhara: A Journey to Balance, Bliss, and Healing
SHirodhara: A Journey to Balance and Bliss

Your Strength is Your Weakness
Your strength is your weakness.

You are my beloved
You are my beloved.

Love is all there is…

Happy Lunar New Year!
Happy Lunar New Year, the Year of the Wood Snake! Like western astrology, Chinese astrology has to do with the cosmic and planetary effects on our well-being and progress through life. The Chinese cycle consists of 12 different signs and elements of which this year we are going into the year of the wood snake.
This is a year to really trust your instincts. It's also interesting to me because in so many ancient cultures the snake image had nothing to do with the reptile it had more to do with inner wisdom. That is wisdom that is not just obtained by external experience but by internal insights.
It is also really super important that as there is much change going on as you could very easily see it's also a time to make sure that you're embracing the change at your own pace. That is use the power of your will to capture the moment fully and completely and to remember that you are in charge of your choices and your responses.
This year, take the time for reflection, for introspection. And to simplify as much as possible your life. This year is entirely about really trusting your inner knowing and trusting your inner timing rather than simply being affected by outward distractions.

They All Go to the Same Place
They all go to the same place. Everyone on this planet has psychic abilities. Your intuition is on 24/7; It is never off. In most of us, however, it is not cultivated.
Generally speaking, in our country most men are very visually oriented, and most women are very auditorily oriented. Just as men and women tend to be different in how they perceive through their 5 senses perceptions, psychic abilities are just the same but there's an even greater range of intuition.
I might be more visual in my intuition, another person might be more of an empath and another person might be more telepathic, while another person might be more kinesthetic.
If you wish to develop your intuitive faculties, please embrace the way that your intuition works for you because they all go to the same place! Using these abilities from your unique faculties are causing you to be in faith and that is what help you to grow spiritually. If you choose to take some form of training whether you are a practitioner of healing or just for your own spiritual development, seek a teacher who will help you develop your unique abilities.

Open the Door for Her
Open the Door for Her. Honor the feminine principle.

Resolutions for the New Year
Resolutions for the New Year
You can imagine how at the beginning of every new year, intentions are set for new goals and desires. By estimates, more than 12% of Americans join gyms in January than the average of 8% (International Health and Fitness Association). Perhaps humorously, often home gym equipment purchased in January ends up in the Garage by June!
We start out with good intentions, or resolutions, to enact changes/improvements in our lives and lifestyles. What seems to make these new year resolutions fade is not our intent but lack of persistence in maintaining effort towards those resolutions,
It is better to do a little bit at a time than take everything on at once. It is too much. When I was in aerospace working on planetary launch vehicles, we had a silly saying: “How do you eat an elephant?” Answer: One bite at a time.

Cycles and Rhythms
Cycles and Rhythms
Everything has a cycle and a rhythm; some are visible and some not. As we approach the beginning of the new year, the Winter Solstice has just passed, and we can visibly observe the days getting longer, and in some areas the climate changes quite noticeably! Our bodies have amazing internal rhythms that we don’t notice but must work well for us to exist!
The new year marks our intent to begin a new cycle with resolutions and affirmations and yet there are deeper meanings or effects that are not as visible as calendrical changes.
Every day has a frequency according to astrologers and ancient civilizations, such as the Mayans of Central America. They posit that we have the ability to recognize this frequencies and “nest” ourselves in the unique frequencies of the given day. These frequencies were not just that of Earth, but planetary and celestial events that operate to cycles and rhythms – all affecting the nature of our character.
As we begin our “new year,” assess how you are living in concert with all nature and “nesting” yourself in these natural frequencies: “be in the flow” so to speak! Integral Health (mind-body-spirit) practitioners help you to be in and maintain rhythm to these cycles by offering tools, exercises and techniques to maintain your inner balance!

The Return of the Sun
The Return of the Sun
Winter solstice is upon us…

Winter Solstice and Integral Health
Winter Solstice and Integral Health
Our bodies are attuned to the seasons and to Mother Earth, whether we are aware of it or not. At the winter solstice in northern climates there is the least amount of daylight. Many people suffer from SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder) due to lack of sunlight exposure. Remedies include purchasing full-spectrum lighting, so our bodies receive the necessary photonic energies and full spectrum of sunlight.
There are many forces and elements of the universal flow that we are mostly unaware of in our daily lives but are very much a part of the intricate interplay of life and nature.
Integral Health always looks at the foundation of our being – that is why the spiritual (subtle energy) is so important to the whole of our health. As the winter solstice is near, emphasize a walk outside when possible, in full sunlight to feel its soothing effects on your body and mood. In fact, allowing 10 minutes of direct sunlight on your forehead (sixth chakra or brow center chakra), is very energizing.

Going Within
Going Within
‘Tis the season, that time of the year when we celebrate the holidays, marked by the Winter Solstice (December 21 this year, when the sun in the northern hemisphere is southernmost point of least daylight hours).
We are attuned to the seasons biologically, through that has been muddied a bit with the advent of technology, artificial light and absence of being more in natural settings.
Going within is a metaphor for the completion of the harvests, leaves falling, less daylight, and cooler temperatures. It is you and I divesting what may have served us but is no longer needed nor useful. It is a time not just for inventory and focusing on the inner qualities.
It is also a time of preparing to receive the new light, the new day, and we celebrate this with the warmth of love family, friends and get closer to nature. In this holiday season, set aside time for yourself and be as receptive to receive love as to give love.

Expanded Horizons
Expanded Horizons

Depth Perception

Full Moon Meditations and Messages from Spirit
During a full moon meditation (I hold them in person and online), I’ll choose beautiful, instrumental music and tune in to the group consciousness, doing guided imagery. That is where I get the words: from the soul level of the attendees. The guided imagery weaves a tapestry of the music, creating a soothing, transportive, transformative journey of about 25 minutes.
The meditation is very powerful, and attendees report achieving deep states of relaxation and centering.
Each full moon meditation is different, depending on the moon, astrology and group soul. Because of that soul level, I have also been offering “messages from spirit” after the meditation, which are short messages to each attendee with the focus on self-empowerment.

The Cube and the Sphere
The Cube and the Sphere
Pakal Votan was the leader of the great Mayan city-state of Palenque (Southern Mexico, 603-683 CE). You may recognize his image on the sarcophagus lid popularized in books and TV, thought to be piloting a spaceship of some sort.
I have taken seekers on journeys to the land of the Mayans many times (and will do so again in the Fall of 2025), including Pakal’s tomb in Palenque. His tomb was discovered by archeologist Alberto Ruz in 1952.
Pakal was a very spiritually awakened individual. He was interred and adorned with over 400 pieces of jade, a semi-precious stone of great spiritual value to the Mayans. In his right hand was a jade cube. In his left, a jade sphere.
Many have interpreted the deeper meaning of why the spiritual leader of a very evolved people would be holding a cube and a sphere. To me, it means that when we are born we have “edges,” (the cube) and that we must through our life polish the cube to remove the rough edges of our being. By doing so we reveal the perfect sphere of our being, with no edges.