Open the Door for Her

When my wife and I approach the door at a restaurant, I always open the door for her.  Same when we are getting into or out of our car.  Going up an escalator, I am behind her.  Going down the escalator, I am in front of her.  Both, to protect her.  In serving her, I am also showing respect for both of us. 


Because, we, as a global human society, have entered into the age of the Sacred Feminine (heart), after centuries of the Sacred Masculine (mind).  This is partly why many women are now rising in many endeavors of leadership, including: government, universities, companies, movie production.  We now must learn the tools of the heart to balance both the Masculine and Feminine (mind and heart together).

There is a way of being, called the feminine principle (not meaning physical women, but rather a way of beingness and orientation) that respects the sacred feminine or heart space.  Women embody this principle and deserve respect for what they represent as bringers of life into this dimension.  Women bring the fetal spirits that are waiting to incarnate here, in this paradise called Earth, for a physical existence. 

Active, conscious service to the feminine principle is an ongoing recognition of the sacredness of life itself and of love.

From a spiritual perspective, the feminine principle means using the power of the will to allow, instead of push.  That is, we allow our spiritual power to come forth from within us, not whether we have spiritual power, but that we have spiritual power.  It may sound funny when I tell my students to allow themselves to be powerful, to allow Divine wisdom to flower and issue forth, rather than to push.  It’s similar when I tell them to surrender to their spiritual power.  When first hearing this, some think of surrender as giving up or giving in.  It is the opposite; it is yielding to the Universe to pull oneself forward in higher states of conscious awareness.

Opening the door for my wife is a measure of my respect for what she represents in that principle.  It is me showing her due regard for the sacredness of life that she represents.  It shows respect for myself as well, recognizing the importance of conscious awareness to hold that balance.

In some native traditions, when the male chiefs were in counsel to decide whether to go to war with a neighboring tribe, after deciding to do so, they would go to the elder women to ask for permission.  They recognized that the women are the ones who give life to the tribe.  Without them, there would be no life.  There is an old native saying: “The male protects the female. In doing so, she reveals his soul to him.”

When next you’ve the opportunity, open the door for a person (can be female or male) that represents your respect for the feminine (heart) principle.  It is a way of offering to the Universe your respect for the balance of life, for surrendering the ego, and for allowing the spiritual power in both of you to flower and blossom.


Dr. Richard Jelusich, Ph.D.


Resolutions for the New Year