Energy Psychology

Dr. Michelle Dexter Psy.D., NLPCC

Integrative Psychologist, Sexologist, Professor, Intuitive

Co-Founder of Bamboo Garden Wellness Center

Michelle Dexter’s Services & Specialties

  • Individual & Couples Sexual Healing

  • Energy Muscle Testing & Trainings

  • Bioenergetic Therapies & Trainings

  • Integrative Energy Psychology

  • Sex, Consciousness, and Healing Seminar Series

  •  Integrative Biofield Healing Arts Creator

Denise Funfar, M.S., ACC

Integrative Coach & Self-Compassion Teacher

Owner of Holistic Performance Coaching, LLC & Creator of the Conscious Core Compassion (CCC) method

Denise’s Services & Specialties

  • Conscious Core Compassion (CCC) healing & coaching, including popular interventions such as:

    • Mindful Self-Compassion (MSC)

    • Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR)

    • Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT)

    • Energy Psychology & Somatic Interventions

I created Conscious Core Compassion (CCC), a healing methodology used to help you take confident action to create a meaningful life through the use of evidence-based mind, body, and spirit interventions and intuition.

You bring your challenges and desired goals, ranging from professional, practical, personal, spiritual, to deeper underlying patterns.

Phyllis Mabbet, RN, Ph.D. MFT

Integrative Therapist

Owner of Vita Programs

Peak Psychological Vitality

Phyllis’s Services & Specialties

  • Energy Psychology

  • Trauma Healing

  • Body-based psychotherapy

  • Emotional Freedom Technique - EFT

  • Somatic Experiencing - SE

  • Life Coaching for Optimal Living