Our Integrative Holistic Wellness Approach
Treating your Whole Being
We combine effective and cutting edge integrative therapeutic modalities to help our clients address the healing of their mind, body and spirit.
Each modality through our practitioners embodies an integrative, holistic orientation which addresses the “Whole Human Being”, in other words the mind, body and spirit.
Understand the link between your thoughts and your body. Experience the power of Craniosacral Therapy, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and Certified Holistic Coaches.
Your body stores more than you realize. Naturopathy, Acupuncture, Energy Muscle Testing and Massage therapy are just a few services we provide to help you connect to your body to uncover your subconscious habits and thought patterns.
Connect with your divine energy & spirit. Reiki, Integrative Chakra Therapies are a few ways you can expand your energy.

All of our integrative health services are evidence-based and created to enhance your overall well-being.
— Dr. Dexter
Find a holistic integrative practitioner who meets your needs.
Clients have had experiences improving & strengthening their connection to
self and spirit after just one visit at our wellness center.
Connecting you with us
What are you looking for?
You’ll be asked a few questions to help us tailor our suggestions to you in our form.
Personalized suggestions.
We’ll share who from our team is the best fit for your needs and preferences.
Pick the right practitioner.
Schedule a free consultation with our team members to see is the right fit.
Let us help you find integrative holistic care that's right for you.
What does “integrative” mean?
Integrative means integrating body, mind, and spirit for a holistic approach. This means that the whole presenting problem is addressed. For example, if you have a sexual health problem, we will address environmental causes, dietary causes, underlying emotional causes, and underlying spiritual or existential causes. Similarly, if you have a block to achieving a personal growth goal, such as finding a quality partner, we will address underlying emotional, mental, and spiritual causes. All issues will be addressed at the body level, unconscious level, conscious level, and spiritual levels to ensure total healing.
What is Integrative Energy Healing Therapy and how does it relate to the Bamboo Garden Wellness Center?
The Center offers many modalities of healing work through its highly skilled staff of therapists, doctors, healers and more. Each modality through our practitioners embodies an integrative, holistic orientation which addresses the “Whole Human Being”, in other words the mind, body and spirit.
In this way, the integrative focus balances these essential aspects of the whole human, providing a safe and nurturing environment for personal growth and wellbeing.
Energy therapies are healing techniques treat the mind, body, and spirit.
What is the human biofield?
The National Institute for Health (NIH) has identified the human biofield, a field of energy and information surrounding the body. This level is ‘subtle energy,’ and can be accessed by trained practitioners to facilitate positive health responses in mind, body and spirit through different healing modalities.
What are energy levels & energy medicine?
There are three known energy levels:
Gross - physical dimension, i.e. “matter”
Subtle - thought, feelings, emotions
Causal - spiritual, which some people regard as the cause of all things being in existence
Energy medicine and energy psychology have been scientifically shown to work on all of these energy levels simultaneously.
What happens after I receive energy work?
After energy work, there is an integration of the three levels that occurs that increases the general sense of well-being and insight. People often report reduction in physical symptoms, reduction in mental and emotional distress, and a greater sense of self-empowerment and discover new inner resources to make life work better.
Are your staff members licensed?
All staff members carry their own insurance. Those who have licenses available have achieved them. We are following recommended safety measures for public health. Bamboo Garden Wellness complies with all federal, state and local health regulations.