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CANCELLED- How our Elevated Spirit Affects Others- Free Lecture

We are always blooming spiritually. As we elevate and attain higher levels of awareness, we come to represent that level (or “topos,” like topography) to others and to all creation.

This is a reference to our spiritual power to inspire through our ministry and to evoke the spiritual passion in those we serve.

Join Universal Church of the Master Past President Rev. Dr. Rick Jelusich for an informative and enlightening evening learning about our spiritual power; attaining levels of awakening and representing those levels. Rev. Jelusich will give some examples and invites Q&A.

Universal Church of the Master CM past president Rev. Dr. Richard Jelusich is an energy medicine practitioner, teacher with an active practice in subtle energy medicine/energy psychology and spiritual counseling.  The founder of Light News Institute, and his renowned Integrative Chakra Therapy® program (ICT); energy medicine/energy psychology for healer practitioners.  Dr Jelusich has taught ICT for over 24 years with over 500 students and graduates in USA, Canada and around the world.
He has UCM Charter “Bamboo Garden Wellness Institute, UCM #832.
As an internationally known lecturer, he has traveled for over 30 years throughout the Americas, Europe and Japan speaking on the fundamentals of spiritual counseling/healing.  He offers events, lectures, and workshops on the knowledge of chakras, past lives, spiritual development, and self-empowerment.
An internationally known author of books on chakra psychology and metaphysics.
Rev. Jelusich holds the position of Chair on the Board of Trustees and Lead Faculty at the California Institute for Human Science (CIHS), an accredited university and research institute based in mind-body-spirit.
Rev. Dr. Jelusich and his wife Dr. Michelle Dexter are founders of the Bamboo Garden Wellness Center

TIME: 6:00pm to 7:30pm



PAYMENT: FREE - Donations Accepted  Donation Link

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Meeting ID: 885 4714 2341

Passcode: 530992

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