Intro lecture and Q&A on energy medicine and subtle energy healing techniques related to the chakra system. This is a good presentation for anyone interested in Chakra Therapy and/or in taking Integrative Chakra Therapy course(s) offered by Light News Institute at Bamboo Garden Wellness Center. ICT Training courses will begin again in January 2024.
This introductory lecture is a lead-in to Dr. Jelusich’s powerful course in Integrative Chakra Therapy (ICT). ICT is a form of energy medicine developed by Dr. Jelusich, who has been teaching this course to over 500 students and graduates in the U.S. and Canada for over 20 years. ICT can be taken in convenient modules, in a classroom setting or as a special mentee status; one-on-one with Dr. Jelusich.
TIME: 6:00pm to 8:00pm
LOCATION: Bamboo Garden Wellness Center or Online
Register and Payment: $20
Click the Register Here button below and look for the classes tab to sign up!