Bamboo Garden Wellness Institute
A not-for-profit training institute offering integrative energy psychology and energy medicine education/training to qualified human services practitioners and laypeople.
Currently, the fields of psychology and human services need accessible training programs to provide fast, scientifically supported, easy to use methodologies that can be employed in treating all manner of suffering. To this end, we offer Integrative Biofield Healing Arts and Integrative Chakra Therapy. Both of these training programs offer continuing education units (CEU) and methodologies to improve physical and mental health outcomes.
*Donation opportunities coming soon
*Scholarship opportunities coming soon for economically underserved individuals
Integrative Biofield Healing Arts ™ Training
With Dr. Michelle Dexter, Psy.D., NLPCC
Whether you are a layperson who wants to learn how to overcome negative emotions and transform limiting beliefs into affirming ones, or a seasoned professional who wants to help your clients resolve trauma and give them hands-on skills to make therapeutic breakthroughs, this experiential training series will teach you what you need to know to accurately and effectively conduct powerful integrative energy psychology sessions to remove the blocks to achieving the goals you and your clients want to achieve.
We'll explore how to use 50+ science-based integrative energy psychology techniques to access information held in the body via applied kinesiology muscle testing, release trapped emotions in the body, transform unconscious limiting beliefs that hold us back into affirming ones, and address childhood and adult root causes of psychological pain.
If you or your clients struggle with feeling stuck, ashamed, angry, fearful, guilty, hopeless, or any other hundreds of negative emotions, this training series can help. If you can't seem to create the life circumstances you want for yourself no matter how hard you try, this training series can help. If your relationships are not going well (including your relationship with yourself), this training series can help.
In this training program, you'll learn
How to accurately use applied kinesiology muscle testing on yourself and others
How to complete powerful energy psychology treatment goals to effect positive change
How to effectively treat trauma, negative emotions, limiting beliefs and limiting identities using over 50 energy psychology interventions
General guidelines for doing integrative energy psychology work with friends, family, yourself, and clients/patients in professional contexts
Business advice on how to successfully incorporate integrative energy psychology work into an existing business, or how to build an integrative energy psychology service business
General guidelines for doing integrative energy psychology work legally and ethically
We hope you'll join us. Your best life is waiting!
The Future of Psychology: An Introduction to Integrative Biofield Healing Arts™
In recent years, the field of psychology has evolved to include an integrative energy model that simultaneously treats mind, body and spirit. The days of slow therapy are over! In this introductory workshop, we will explore an evidence based model of approaching physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual issues systematically to reduce or remove unpleasant symptoms called Integrative Biofield Healing Arts. Drawing upon the fields of neuroscience, psychotherapy, Traditional Chinese Medicine, Ayurveda, and sacred geometry, the methodology is systematic and thorough. If you have ever found yourself feeling a way you don’t want to feel, and you want to feel unburdened from that feeling, this workshop is for you. In addition to information about the human biofield’s anatomy and functioning, participants in this workshop will be taught three tried and true techniques to release trapped negative emotions within mere minutes.
LOCATION: In Person and Online
Prerequisite: Muscle Testing Made Easy-TBA-(Private training sessions are available)
This workshop covers:
The science of applied kinesiology muscle testing
How to accurately muscle test yourself and others
Instruction on multiple methods of muscle testing
Troubleshooting when things don't go as expected
What/when muscle testing should and should not be used
Module 1: Foundations of Integrative Energy Psychology, Trauma, and Trapped Emotions-TBA
This workshop covers:
What the biofield is, and how it relates torsion fields, chakras, chi, meridians, and subtle and causal energies
An introduction to the science of energy psychology
Practicing energy psychology interventions based on original research
Resolve trauma for yourself and others, i.e., feel more peace about traumatic circumstances
Resolve trapped emotions held in the body
Eliminate limiting beliefs and transform them into affirming beliefs
Eliminate limiting identities and limiting decisions and transform them into affirming identities and decisions
Clear up remaining fears induced by trauma
How to offer trauma informed treatment
Business advice on how to offer IBHA™ legally and ethically
Module 2: Traumatic Brain Injuries and Healing the Nervous System-TBA
This workshop covers:
Healing specific brain and nervous system dysfunctions
Upgrade the functioning of the brain and nervous system
Healing psychosomatic illnesses/somatic disorders
Recreate/Rebuild old circumstances into desired circumstances
Transform fear to power
Integration of body, mind, and soul
Specific meridian and chakra based interventions based on original research
Module 3: Behavior Change and DNA-TBA
This workshop covers:
Changing undesirable behaviors into desired behaviors
Rebirthing to create desired change
Finishing life lessons
Releasing old beliefs/worldviews that are no longer of service
Karma cleanup
Improving epigenetics and DNA functioning
Accessing inner guidance system
Module 4: Cosmic and Causal Energies-TBA
This workshop covers:
Making soul contract changes
Healing from Emotionally Immature Parents
Spiritual Optimization
Working with high vibrations/frequencies, Ascended Masters, Cosmic Masters, Earth and Intergalactic Councils
Using the Soul Hospital
Module 5: Mass Pollution Patterns-TBA
This workshop covers:
Getting free from ugly human dramas, especially those that keep us stuck, miserable, and unable to achieve our highest potentials
Template Level Reality Creation to create that which we desire
Spiritual safety protocols
Postgraduate: Healthy Sexuality-TBA
This workshop covers:
Original research on what healthy sexuality is and how to achieve it
Sexual energy clean up after a break-up
Exploring the consciousness of human sexuality
Tuition: $995 USD for each module

Integrative Chakra Therapy ®
Module 1, Levels 1 and 2: Basics of Energy Medicine and Biofields.
With Dr. Richard Jelusich, Ph.D.
Dates: TBD
Bamboo Garden Wellness Center
This workshop series looks at our true spiritual nature, offering an excellent introduction to recognizing and increasing your spiritual gifts. Honoring your intuitive healing talents may help clarify your purpose in this life. Enjoy a demonstration of Subtle Energy Healing, an interactive presentation, and whether you are a healer or in need of healing, this workshop series offers you and those you love awareness and empowerment choices.
Experience subtle energy healing’s grace through honoring your inner knowledge and truth. Dr. Jelusich looks at how your true spiritual nature manifests into your life, explaining how embracing your higher nature helps you to overcome mental, physical and emotional issues.
This workshop series includes a subtle energy healing demonstration, scientific facts and much more: Becoming aware of subtle energies – how your spiritual nature manifests in your physical body; Physical, Mental, Emotional and Spiritual levels are all deeply affected by Subtle Energy Healing; Transforming your spiritual healing knowledge into practical ability; Safely developing your natural healing talents and abilities; Experiencing the synergy of fellowship/shared purpose with like-minded individuals; Choosing to honor your natural intuitive gifts, and your inner truth.
Dr. Jelusich will guide you through a compelling and thorough journey of the chakras, including stimulating exercises to awaken your higher awareness. He blends his extensive experience of the experiential, esoteric meaning of the chakras, with academic and scientific knowledge. In the introduction classes students are taught how to use their chakras to observe the “Whole Human Being” (mental, physical, emotional and spiritual aspects of the individual), to make assessment and to allow healing energy to flow through them. As the students use their chakras, they become stronger and stimulated and eventually awakened – learning more than the philosophy and techniques of this powerful healing modality and undergo their own inner transformation. Your great questions during the workshop will create an intensely thorough and satisfying experience.
What you will learn: To understand how chakras are not limited to space and time; Learn the spiritual meaning of the chakras and how the chakras affect the four archetypes of the Whole Human Being; How to apply the philosophy and awareness of each chakra’s attributes to your daily life; Explore Hands-on exercises to enhance your experience, and thus your spiritual awareness; Understand how today’s science is enhancing our practical knowledge of Human Bio-fields Chakra and meridian existence, the holographic universe, and the connectedness and harmonic synchrony of all things.
Grow through this workshop in appreciation of your true multidimensional nature!